
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear with Elizabeth Gilbert

29 Nov , 2018 podcasts

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear with Elizabeth Gilbert

  At certain points in our life, we may find ourselves feeling stuck. Thinking we could not afford any more time than what we currently have to tackle what is in front, we have come to a resolution to just settle and go on with it, convincing ourselves that it is what we want. But what are you willing to give up to have the life you keep pretending you want? This thought-provoking question is […]

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Brand Belonging And The Journey From Apple To IBM with Nancy Kramer

28 Nov , 2018 podcasts

Brand Belonging And The Journey From Apple To IBM with Nancy Kramer

  Moving from Apple to IBM, Nancy Kramer shares about brand belonging and her journey towards becoming a Chief Evangelist at IBM iX. Starting from her origin story, she lays down her upbringing and history that led her to where she is now. She speaks about the individual’s grit and having that ability to take over, learning from one’s mistakes as well as others. She also shares about her days with Apple under Steve Jobs, […]

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Once is Never: Reconsidering Our Perceptions Of Failure And Success with Pulitzer Prize Winner Anthony Doerr

28 Nov , 2018 podcasts

Once is Never: Reconsidering Our Perceptions Of Failure And Success with Pulitzer Prize Winner Anthony Doerr

  Failure has almost always never felt good, nor does it feel a path to success. When we find ourselves exactly in that moment, we immediately believe for it to be terrible. In this funny, poignant, and comforting talk by Pulitzer Prize Winner, Anthony Doerr, he speaks of the different perceptions and experiences of failure and successes that rings familiar to each of us—from great novelists and writers, to his own personal story. He brings […]

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Exploring The Innovation Mindset with Scott Uzzell

28 Nov , 2018 podcasts

Exploring The Innovation Mindset with Scott Uzzell

  The world does not remain the same and so do we. That is why businesses must learn how to keep moving along side it or they will get left behind and vanish. To do that, they must have what President of Venturing & Emerging Brands, Scott Uzzell calls the innovation mindset. He guides as you explore the world of innovation—from what is the current state and figuring out how to fit in it. He […]

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Thriving In The Expression Economy with Ron Tite

28 Nov , 2018 podcasts

Thriving In The Expression Economy with Ron Tite

  Speaker, author, and founder and CEO of Church+State, Ron Tite gives advice on how to thrive in the expression economy. People now have become smarter with their choices. This says a lot about how businesses and/or organizations move in order to survive. It does not anymore suffice to just provide because today, people crave stories and connection. So Ron helps out as he talks about organizational alignment, getting the organizations and individuals to think, […]

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