
This podcast offers insight on the importance of leadership and connections as we build a new future together. Our conversations engage leaders across diverse organizations that can offer perspective on the importance of cultivating community in solving leadership challenges. Originating from the
Coca-Cola Leadership Summit, the content will offer insights both from acting CEO/CMOs and thought leaders across business today. Each podcast will explore the core attributes of today’s most effective leaders and the cultures they establish. Each episode will include the element of community and the concept of co-creating strategy and solutions that cannot be achieved when working alone. This content is relevant and actionable to anyone who is seeking wisdom from leaders who are actively leading a successful enterprise.

Episode Blogs

TEL 01 | Leadership Through Community
Leadership has become a well-worn word, something that people talk about all the time. We tell ourselves that there is one person out there who’s the genius and who’s going to fix everything. Occasionally, we think it’s ourselves and we’re always wrong. The reality is we work in groups. There are always new insights to be had, but one of the things that we’re seeking to weave throughout is this whole idea of leadership through
CMO 07 | New Normal
  On June 12, 2014, Elon Musk decided to take all this patents for the Tesla and opened them up to the world. On January 24th, 2017, Amazon did something quite unexpected by being nominated for best picture. On February 24th, 2011, Airbnb got their first one-millionth visitor or guest, and almost twelve months later, they had their ten-millionth. What drives this type of growth and is this something that we have to expect going
CMO 05 | The Great Rewrite
  The concept of innovation as we knew it is effectively and functionally dead. It’s meaningless. It doesn’t really mean anything anymore and it’s lost its meaning mostly because we beat the crap out of it for about twenty years, telling everybody to do it. Then we realized, as we started looking through the numbers, that the truth was everyone was getting hung up on two parts of the innovation story. One of that was
CMO 06 | Strength Through Stillness
  So much information is flooding in on us every second that it’s getting harder and harder to tell information from misinformation, hearsay from fact, fake news from true. The result of that is that the world is coming to us as a never ending series of shocks. Nobody predicted last year that Britain or England was going to vote to leave the European Union. None one imagined that Bob Dylan was going to be
CMO 04 | Purpose Revolution
  One of the greatest challenges of this age of disruption that we’re in is it’s about speed and technology. However, there’s an old school thing that people are longing for. More than anything else, we’re longing for humanity. If your company can give your team members and your customers that thing that’s missing, you can have a competitive advantage that will be hard to duplicate. You may even find your own humanity in the