
The Business Of Joy With Lisa W. Miller

10 May , 2024 podcasts

The Business Of Joy With Lisa W. Miller

  In a world forever changed by the pandemic, finding joy and fostering human connection are more important than ever. Lisa W. Miller, author of the insightful book “The Business of Joy,” explores these themes and more in a series of thought-provoking discussions. She emphasizes the importance of fostering social connections, even in seemingly small ways like eye contact and casual conversation, to pave the way for a more joyful environment. Lisa also delves into […]

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Creative Troublemaking With Josh Linkner

11 Dec , 2020 podcasts

Creative Troublemaking With Josh Linkner

  It is tempting to look at innovation as the province of big minds, big corporations and their ilk, but each of us has the capacity to tap into our creative powers and do little breakthroughs every day. There is no better time than now to look inside, to see what we can bring forth to evolve our world into a better place. Joining Katherine Twells on the show to awaken this tremendous creative capacity […]

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Disney’s Duncan Wardle Talks Creative Super Powers

25 Jun , 2019 podcasts

Disney’s Duncan Wardle Talks Creative Super Powers

  If two powerful abilities would rule the future, it will be innovation and intuition. Duncan Wardle, Disney’s former Head of Innovation and Creativity, takes us into the world of innovative thinking and how to return to the expansive lens of our childhood. After 25 years at Disney, he has learned not only how to escape our routinized rivers of thinking but also how to move into a more creative and intuitive place. Discover your […]

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Exploring The Unexpected with Frans Johansson

22 Mar , 2019 podcasts

Exploring The Unexpected with Frans Johansson

  Does your strategy reflect the new normal? We live in unpredictable times where the rules are changing and the formulas for success are disintegrating. The only constant is change and it requires a new level of leadership that is able to anticipate these changes and mobilize teams to capture new opportunity. In this talk, bestselling author and thought leader Frans Johansson shows organizations how to innovate, grow, and create a self-sustaining culture that can […]

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The Innovation Dilemma: Practical Evolution Or True Disruption with Chris Hellmann

4 Dec , 2018 podcasts

The Innovation Dilemma: Practical Evolution Or True Disruption with Chris Hellmann

  We have heard numerous times the importance of innovation to businesses from a philosophical point of view. Taking it back down to a business perspective and putting it to application is Chris Hellmann, Global VP and GM at the Coca-Cola Freestyle Division. Chris shares the innovation dilemma that businesses have to contend with nowadays, and tackles whether it is practical evolution or true disruption. He uncovers the truth about the shelf life of innovation […]

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